Take advantage of the country's growth in the construction of construction machinery industry visible

In Shanghai, in early October, Pufa Chunhui New Garden, one of the demonstration projects for affordable housing, was completed. From infrastructure to decoration, it was not inferior to commercial housing. As of the end of this year, only the Pudong New Area’s goal of starting affordable housing reached 6.66 million square meters, the highest in history.

In Hainan, in mid-October, an extremely large-scale rainfall hit Dingan County. The emergency rescue team used an excavator to reinforce the flood discharge, and nine reservoirs were safely discharged. From this year onwards, China, which has the largest number of reservoirs, has launched the largest reservoir repair project for dangerous reservoirs.

In Wenzhou, in early November, the upcoming construction of the Wenzhou City Railway S1 line plans to introduce 3.5 billion yuan of private capital, rail transit is so open to the public capital for the first time. This is just a beginning. 28 cities and 96 rail transit lines have been launched.

One after another, a series of visible and tangled market hot spots holds up the steady growth of the mechanical engineering industry.

Industry insiders optimistically predicted that the protection of housing will be concentrated and the 4 trillion water investment will rise again and again, and the construction of the track will continue to be promoted. This year, the operating income of the construction machinery industry is expected to increase by 17% year-on-year to reach 500 billion yuan. What is even more gratifying is that national enterprises headed by Zoomlion and Sany Heavy Industry are pushing to expand overseas markets, which further highlights the growth potential.

Rail transit investment in trillion construction machinery "eat and drink" is not on the eve of this year's National Day, with a diameter of 10.22 meters huge cutter slowly start, the largest domestic shield machine in the Beijing Metro Line 14 Dongfeng North Bridge Station origin. The more than 1,000 tons of "Mighty" will leave enough tunnels to cross the subway.

As the focus of Beijing's subway construction shifted from suburban areas to urban areas, construction site tension became the biggest unfavorable factor in restricting the construction period. Wei Yi, a spokesperson for Beijing Rail Transit Construction Management Co., Ltd., said that the use of large shield machine construction can significantly reduce the overall construction period and reduce the huge demolition and relocation costs caused by open-pit construction.

The "Mighty" performance of the shield machine on the Beijing 14th line is only a start. According to Wei Yi, "In the future, this type of double-line shield machine will be promoted during the subway construction in the urban area of ​​Beijing." Under the background of the boom in traffic construction across the country, a new market is opening up to the construction machinery industry.

The reporter learned from the relevant departments that as of the end of June this year, 36 cities had submitted plans for the development of urban rail transit construction, of which 28 had been approved.

28 cities, 96 rail transit lines, more than 2,500 kilometers of construction lines, more than 1 trillion yuan of investment - starting this year, these projects have been launched one after another, the demand for construction machinery continues to grow.

It is worth noting that compared with railway and highway construction, the construction of rail transit is a huge test for the financing capacity of a particular city. What the market is most worried about is funding. Today, this problem is expected to resolve.

The reporter was informed that the S1 line of the Wenzhou Municipal Railway to be opened on November 11 this year is planned to introduce 3.5 billion yuan of private capital, which accounts for nearly 50% of the “happy rail transit” company that is the owner of the route. This is a domestic city. For the first time, rail transit investment is so open to private capital that it is worth learning from other cities.

Up to now, rail transit construction projects including Beijing and Xi’an have started one after another. The market demand for shield machines will enter an unprecedented period of rapid development. The shield machine introduced on the Beijing No. 14 line was jointly developed by Beijing Huatuo Tunneling Equipment Co., Ltd. and Hitachi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. and then put into production. In June this year, it was formally off the assembly line. In addition, the construction of rail transit will also promote the all-round development of products such as earth and stone machinery, piling machinery, and lifting machinery.

Since the construction period lasts for several years, it seems to the industry that if the relevant companies catch the express train like rail transit, they can “eat and drink” for several years.

Water conservancy mining goes hand in hand with the growth of construction machinery in the afternoon On the afternoon of October 15, an extremely large and heavy rainfall struck Ding'an County in Hainan Province, and the local reservoir storage capacity was close to the dam. In a critical situation, the emergency team used excavator operations to widen and deepen the flood discharge, and the water level eventually fell.

According to reports, the nine local reservoirs belong to the Type 2 and Type 1 reservoirs, and the flood discharge ports are relatively simple. Starting from the morning of the 16th, more excavators are flooding one of the five reservoirs that have potential safety hazards in the town. The widening and deepening of the county will be completed during the Andugu period of Ding'an County.

In the 50s and 70s of the last century, China completed the "Great Leap Forward" in the construction of water conservancy projects and became the country with the largest number of reservoirs in the world. According to insiders, most of the country’s existing 87,000 reservoirs were built during that period. Due to the technical level and economic conditions at that time, the quality and construction level of many reservoirs was not too high. At present, they are basically out of service.

“Because of the lack of necessary maintenance funds, the number of dangerous reservoirs has reached more than 40,000.” The source quoted a previous statistical data, pointing out that the number of cities with “top of the pot” above the head was 179, accounting for 25.4% of the national cities. .

“The risk is very high!” said Xu Yuanming, Director of the Reservoir Division of the Ministry of Water Resources Construction and Management Department. Once the dam has collapsed, it is necessary to rush the house, rush to the field, rush into industrial facilities and even the entire city. It is imperative to attach importance to reservoir safety.

It is precisely because of this that China, which has the largest number of reservoirs, has started the largest reservoir maintenance project for critical reservoirs this year.

From the “No. 1 Document” to the Central Water Conservancy Work Conference and the “Opinions of the Ministry of Finance on Implementing the Spirit of the Central Water Conservancy Work Conference in an All-round Way,” the market has time and time again felt the high level’s emphasis and determination on strengthening water conservancy construction.

“After the water conservancy construction enters its substantive period, it will directly drive the development of construction machinery products such as excavators, loaders, bulldozers and cranes.” Industry insiders also pointed out that, starting from the characteristics of China’s water conservancy construction, the market is particularly focused on medium and small tonnages. The demand for small tonnage products will be even more pronounced.

What is even more crucial is that the ten-year "prospecting strategy" announced by the State Council a few days ago is expected to set off a new wave of prospecting. The structural adjustment and industrial integration of mining companies in China will also bring unlimited "money" to the construction machinery industry.

There have been some construction machinery companies that have been busy with the growth of demand for mining machinery and equipment.

Safe room "guarantee"

Market demand for construction machinery In early October, Pufa Chunhui Xinyuan, located in Gaoqiao Town, Pudong, Shanghai, was completed. As one of the demonstration projects for affordable housing, the community is not inferior to commercial housing from basic construction to environmental renovation. By the end of this year, the target for the start-up of various types of affordable housing in the Pudong New Area of ​​Shanghai reached 6.66 million square meters, the highest in history.

The real estate market has always been the “main battlefield” for construction machinery products, and its demand accounts for about 30% of the annual product sales. Although real estate control policies have continued to increase over the past year, experts are not pessimistic about the growth of real estate driven by construction machinery.

First, real estate development companies are speeding up the transfer of investment to cities below the third level. The data shows that in 2010, the proportion of second- and third-tier sales in the national property market accounted for 39% of the total, and accounted for 52% in the first half of this year. Second, new commercial real estate investment has filled the gap in residential investment. Since last year, the year-on-year sales growth of commercial real estate has remained at a high level of about twice the growth rate of residential sales. Finally, it is also the most critical, and the guarantee of concentrated housing development will “guarantee” the market demand for construction machinery. As of the end of September, the national affordable housing operating rate has reached 98%, the Ministry of Housing and Development recently said that before the end of November 10 million sets of affordable housing can all start. “The final result of the regulation of the property market is to adjust the weight of products within the industry such as commercial real estate, affordable housing, and commercial real estate to make it more reasonable.” Insiders believe that from the perspective of urbanization, real estate investment is still in a “twelfth five-year plan”. In the boom cycle, the pulling action of tower cranes, concrete equipment, earth and stone machinery, and pile-driving machinery will continue.

Under the influence of the market hot spots that can be seen and touched one after another, the industry expects the operating income of China's construction machinery industry to increase by 17% year-on-year to reach about 500 billion yuan - reaching the “12th Five-Year Plan” for construction machinery. Set growth goals.

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