Strange LightFreq smart bulb doubles as a wireless speaker

It will be hard to believe that a Bluetooth speaker can stay inside a light bulb, a feat that LightFreq has successfully broken its new product. The LightFreq sound and light experience only makes sense, but it hasn't been fully played yet. German as CEO mentioned that "Light and sound go hand in hand." In addition to helpful multi-color LED lights, LightFreq built-in high-definition audio, in addition to Bleutooth and wireless network connection. The device can do everything you imagine. It makes it easy to copy Phillips' shades so that you can customize the colors to inform your smartphone, adding Bluetooth speakers also makes these great accessories, lighter ones that can change color, and follow the beat of your music.
These are the features we all see, and now let's jump into how sound and light can be a unique experience for the series. A unique feature is that you can have your music and/or light follow your entire house as you move from room to room (as long as you carry your smartphone). Another feature is the intercom function of the light bulb, which can use smart phones to speak with LightFreqs across the house or business, making them simple and fast communication tools. You really don't have better than this when it comes to finding the right smart light bulb. The deal becomes even more sweet if you are already thinking about getting a wireless speaker.
This project sounds like a perfect feeling. LightFreq takes the road to crowd purchases and has doubled the goal of $50,000. You can still get your promise in LightFreq as low as $70. Their Kickstarter page also offers more complex demos and videos if you are interested in this smart light bulb worth mentioning.

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