Pregnant women eat nuts to prevent children from allergic to nuts

One study concluded that when mothers eat nuts during pregnancy, the children born are unlikely to be allergic to nuts. The study was published in the American Medical Association Pediatrics Journal and was obtained by observing more than 8,000 pairs of mother and child's health and diet.

American researchers believe that early fetus exposure to food in the uterus will produce resistance to these foods. But this finding conflicts with other studies that believe that nuts do not have any or only a little effect.

Experts say that these conflicts make it difficult to provide firm evidence that the mother is the main reason, of course, except those who hate to eat nuts and avoid them.

A team member led by Dr. Lindsey Fraser of the Boston Dana-Faber Children’s Cancer Research Center believes that one-third of babies born to mothers who eat nuts during pregnancy are unlikely to be allergic to nuts. . Such nuts include woody nuts such as walnuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, pecans, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, and peanuts. These scholars said that this shows that eating nuts can prevent future children's allergies.

However, there are other factors that can explain this difference. For example, these women who eat nuts are also more likely to eat healthier diets such as vegetables and fruits.

Dr. Adam Fox, a child allergy consultant from the Guy St. Thomas NHS Trust, said that these findings are interesting, but no conclusions have been reached.

Different studies have led to such different results, so that pregnant women do not know how to properly eat nuts, but the current international consensus that the nuts do not need to deliberately eat, but do not have to avoid fear.


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